Top 5 Passive Income Mistakes

The most appealing thing about passive income is, well, that it involves little to no work. Right? Actually, despite what most people think, there is a great deal of management involved into setting up and maintaining successful income streams. And of course, there are quite a few rookie mistakes one needs to manage one’s way around. Check out our top 5 passive income mistakes.

5. The Get Rich Quick Gambit

Ok, perhaps there are people who became millionaires thanks to their passive incomes. However, for most passive income endeavors, this is simply not probable.

Less experienced passive income earners tend to place their expectations too high, setting themselves up for later disappointment. You need to remember that creating a stable income streams is more of a marathon than a sprint.

Passive income should rather be viewed as a way to make life more comfortable. Typically, you should expect a well set up stream to help you save for major purchases, save for retirement or vacations.

4. Time Mismanagement

This is one of the most common passive income mistakes. We previously said that, while time may be money, the opposite does not follow – money is not time. Time costs.

Too many passive income earners forget to account for their time. That ends up costing them dearly. Because creating and maintaining a passive income stream takes time, especially in the early stages. Therefore, it’s of vital importance that we value our time the same as we would in any other job.

Sometimes it is wiser to delegate a task, even though it might seem that we are saving money by doing things ourselves.

3. Unaccounted Expenditures

We should not only carefully monitor how we spend our time in our passive income endeavors, we should track our expenditures as diligently. Otherwise, how can we have any sense of our cash flows, or know whether our passive income stream is generating profits or just revenue?

Even relatively small expenditures – such as webhosting services if we are starting a blog need to be accounted for. If we are careless, we could fool ourselves into thinking that we are doing well when, in fact, we are losing time and money.

2. Poor Planning

This is one of the most tricky passive income mistakes because careful planning seems to carry a lot more work than most people are willing to put in into creating a successful income stream.

Yes, you can get by without a detailed plan of what you want to achieve with your passive income. So, why should you do it?

A lot of passive income ideas – blogs, renting your property on AirBnb, needs a certain level of planning due to ongoing maintenance and management. Careful planning how you’re going to handle those tasks helps you keep your efforts on track.

1. Not Doing Your Homework

This is the most basic error in a myriad of passive income mistakes.

Most people interested in creating a passive income stream fail to do proper research beforehand. They neglect to do their due diligence and simply go with what seems most lucrative. This leads to numerous difficulties later on.

Don’t just think about how much money you will earn when researching a passive income idea. Take your time, figure out what’s actually need to set that revenue stream up.


Successful entrepreneurs are successful because they know their assets, they monitor and manage them carefully. They’ve done their homework beforehand, and they avoid the passive income mistakes listed above and know when to take action themselves or to hire someone else to help them.

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